7 seconds in.
Do you see that too? Did anyone else catch that? It’s obviously fake bc we can’t fucking fly and travel space like that, we can’t even fucking maintain or take care of our own home on Earth and our dumbasses think we have some right or ability to just go colonize other planets while we can’t fucking manage our own. How dare we?
We’re so stupid and they fucking play and work off of that ignorance. And what’s worse is after people know the truth or ‘wake up’ — the worst part is that they still don’t give a shit and still keep their heads down and WANT TO CONTINUE LIFE WALKING BLIND TO REALITY JUST SO IT DOESNT ‘crash’ their world.
So fucking pathetic.
Thank God I’m not like that.
No one cares. They laugh at me. Whatever.
Thank God I know myself and love myself.